(株)パソナ グローバル事業本部 転職サポートサービスに関する利用規約
株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部(以下「当社」といいます。)の転職サポートサービスのご利用についての利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)です。
第1条 パソナのグローバルサービス
第2条 利用者、利用の申し込み、審査
1. 利用者ご本人が、本規約に同意した上で、本サービス利用を所定の案内に従い、申込を行うものとします。
2. 当社は、所定の審査により、本サービス利用者として不適格と判断した場合、ご利用をお断りすることができるものとします。また、当社は、この判断に関するご質問等については回答及びその他一切の対応を行う義務はないものとします。当社は、本項内容から発生する一切の損害について、なんら責任を負わないものとします。
第3条 サービス停止・終了
1. 本サービスのためのシステム定期保守・更新ならびに緊急の場合
2. 通常の対策では防止できない突発的なシステムの故障やウィルス被害や火災・停電等の不可抗力により本サービスの提供が困難になった場合
3. その他不測の事態により、本サービスの提供が困難と当社が判断した場合
第4条 利用者の除名
第5条 求人照合
第6条 利用者の禁止事項
1. 虚偽の情報を、申し込み時や利用時に申告・提供する行為
2. 他の利用者や求人企業・当社または求人企業の従業員・その他当社の業務に関わる第三者に対し、誹謗中傷・侮辱・脅迫する行為
3. 他の利用者や第三者に対し、財産・プライバシー・肖像権・名誉・著作権・商標権・その他知的所有権を侵害する行為
4. 本サービスの業務、運営を妨げる行為。または当社の信用を毀損するような行為
5. 公序良俗や法に反する行為、及び犯罪的行為に結びつく、またはその恐れのある行為
第7条 反社会的勢力の排除
第8条 利用者の責任と免責事項
第9条 損害賠償責任
第10条 サービス利用規約の変更
第11条 管轄裁判所
株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部 個人情報の取り扱いについて
株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部(以下「当社」といいます)の転職サポートサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます)を利用されるお客様(以下「お客様」といいます)よりお預かりする個人情報について、以下のとおり取り扱います。
1. 利用目的
2. 第三者への提供
(1) 外国の名称
アメリカ合衆国(Pasona N A, Inc.)、カナダ(Pasona Canada Inc.)、香港(Pasona Asia Co., Limited)、中華人民共和国(保聖那人材服務(上海)有限公司)、台湾(Pasona Taiwan Co., Ltd.、MGR Consulting Co., Ltd.)、シンガポール共和国(Pasona Singapore Pte. Ltd.)、インド(Pasona India Pvt. Ltd.)、ベトナム社会主義共和国(Pasona Tech Vietnam Co.,Ltd.)大韓民国(Pasona Korea Co.,Ltd.)、タイ王国(Pasona HR Consulting (Thailand) Co., Ltd.,、Pasona Oversea Recruitment (Thailand) Co., Ltd.)、マレーシア(Pasona HR Malaysia Sdn Bhd/ Agensi Pekerjaan Pasona Sdn Bhd)
(2) 当該外国における個人情報保護制度
(3) 提供先が講ずる個人情報保護措置に関する情報
提供先各社はOECDプライバシーガイドライン8原則に対応する措置を講じていますが、Pasona Tech Vietnam Co.,Ltd.においては ベトナム社会主義共和国の法制度により自分に関する個人データの所在やその内容を確認する、異議を申し立てる等の請求へ対応ができない場合があります。
個人情報保護方針 を策定しています。
5. 個人情報を登録することの任意性
株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部
個人情報保護管理者 専務執行役員
代表取締役 中尾慎太郎
私は、株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部(以下「パソナ」といいます)の職業紹介サービスを利用するにあたり、上記個人情報の取扱を確認し、これに同意いたします。また、提供した個人情報が虚偽だったことにより、パソナ、関係者または第三者に損害を与えた場合は、その損害を賠償するものとします。
1. 当社で取り扱いが可能な職種の範囲について:
2. 手数料について:
期間の定めのない雇用契約 理論年収の100%を超えない額
期間の定めのある雇用契約 雇用契約期間中に支払われる賃金の年収換算額の100 %を超えない額
研修会、合同説明会参加費: 1開催1,000,000円を超えない額
着手金 理論年収の100%を超えない額
調査、探査活動費 1日あたり1,000,000円を超えない額
3. 求職者の個人情報及び求人者情報の取り扱いについて:
4. 苦情の処理に関する事項:
(1) 求職者・求人者からの苦情の処理に対し、あらかじめ苦情処理相談の窓口、対応方法を明確にし、申出年月日、内容、対応の経過を記録する等適切かつ迅速に対応します。
(2) 苦情の具体的内容、具体的な問題の把握に努め、求人者等との連携の下に適切かつ迅速に対応します。
(3) 違法又は不法な内容を含む苦情等専門的な相談援助を必要とする苦情には関係行政機関と連携して適切かつ迅速に対応します。
(4) 職業紹介行為等に対する苦情の申出先として公共職業安定所及び専門的な相談援助ができる団体の名称・所在地・電話番号について、周知に努めます。
(5) 公共職業安定所及び専門的な相談援助ができる団体から、苦情に関する連絡を受けた場合も適切かつ迅速に処理します。
(6) 適切かつ迅速に処理できるよう、関係法令、具体的例等苦情処理に必要な知識・情報の収集に努めます。
(7) 苦情処理をおこなった場合には、対応の内容や問題点について整理し、その後の対応に活用します。
・入社後3ヶ月以内に雇用契約が終了した場合 50%
株式会社パソナ パソナ本部
株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部
- ドライバー・車掌・郵便配達・船員
- 警備員・ビル管理人・清掃員
- 調理師・美容師・理容師・エステティシャン
- 芸能関連
- 公務員、非営利団体、公益法人、学校関係
- アメリカ合衆国(アメリカ合衆国で合法的に働けるステータスをお持ちでない場合)
- 建設業務・港湾運送業務
Pasona Global Privacy Policy
Global Business Division, Pasona Inc. (“the Company”) shall handle customer’s personal information (“Personal Information”) according to this policy which will be collected in order to provide our job placement services (“the Services”) to the customers who are wishing to change careers (“Customer(s)”).
1. Purposes of the Use
The Company will only use Personal Information for the following purposes:
(1) Management of Customers when registering for and using the Services,
(2) Responding to inquiries and contacting Customers,
(3) Providing job placement services to employers or providing information on job seekers and other optimal recruitment services,
(4) Distribution of e-mail newsletters related to or incidental to the Services, service operations, and information on our services and events,
(5) Survey and analysis of the use of the Services and implementation of questionnaires, and
(6) Provision to third parties in Article 2 below.
In case that the Company collects Customer’s Personal Information for the purpose other than the above purposes, the Company shall notify the Customer of the purpose and obtain Customer’s consent from time to time.
2. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
The Company may provide Personal Information within the scope of the purposes of use described in Article 1 to employers, affiliate companies and/or group entities of the parent company of the Company, Pasona Group Inc.(collectively “Group Companies”), which shall be designated by the Company, for the following conditions;.
1) Purposes for Provision
For employers and the Group Companies to expand opportunity to provide job information.
Each of Group Companies may directly contact the Customer to provide its Services. When the Customer wishes to use such Services, the Customer needs to accept terms and conditions separately determined by the Group Companies.
2) Items of Personal Information to be Provided
Name, date of birth (age), address, contacts information, resume and so on, provided by the Customers for their use of the Services.
3) Methods for Provision
To provide computerized personal data of the Personal Information by electronic method including but not limited to e-mail or internal database system.
4) Type and Attribute of Organization of Recipient of the Provision
Employers applying for jobs with the Company, and the Group Companies including foreign companies.
5) Security of Personal Information
The Company has entered into confidentiality agreements with employers and Group Companies to protect and securely manage Personal Information and will make every commercially reasonable effort to protect Personal Information.
6) Provision to Third Parties in Foreign Countries
The Company may provide personal information to our Group Companies located in foreign countries and regions. Information regarding such foreign countries is as listed below;
(1) Name of Foreign Countries
United States (Pasona NA, Inc.), Canada (Pasona Canada Inc.), Hong Kong (Pasona Asia Co., Limited), People's Republic of China (Pasona Human Resources (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.), Taiwan (Pasona Taiwan Co., Ltd., MGR Consulting Co., Ltd.), Singapore (Pasona Singapore Pte. Ltd.), India (Pasona India Pvt. Ltd.), Vietnam (Pasona Tech Vietnam Co., Ltd.), Republic of Korea (Pasona Korea Co., Ltd.), Thailand (Pasona HR Consulting (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Pasona Oversea Recruitment (Thailand) Co., Ltd.), Malaysia (Pasona HR Malaysia Sdn Bhd / Agensi Pekerjaan Pasona Sdn Bhd)
(2) Personal Information Protection System in the Foreign Countries
Please refer to the link below.
Legal systems in Foreign Countries (Personal Information Protection Commission)
(3) Personal Information Protection Measures Taken by the Recipients
While each recipient has taken steps to comply with the OECD Privacy Principles based on “the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data”, Pasona Tech Vietnam Co., Ltd. may not be able to respond to Customer’s requests or objection such as confirmation of the location and contents of the Customer’s personal data due to regulations under the laws of Vietnam.
3. Security Control Measures
The Company has taken necessary and proper security control measures, as described below, for the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage (collectively “Leakage etc.”), and for other security control of the personal data.
1) Establishment of Basic Policy
The Company establishes and maintains
the basic policy on the protection of Personal Information to ensure proper handling of personal data.
2) Maintenance of Rules to Affect the Handling of Personal Data
The Company establishes and maintains the Personal Information Protection Policy (“Policy”) on each stage such as acquisition, use, preservation, provision, deletion, and disposal.
3) Organizational Security Control Measures
(1) The Company has appointed a Personal Information Administrator regarding the handling of personal data, clarified the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by the employees, and established a reporting system to the Personal Information Administrator when the Company finds the facts or signs that violate the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Policy.
(2) The Company regularly audits the handling status of personal data to see if it complies with laws, regulations, the Policy, and other norms.
4) Human Security Control Measures
(1) Confidentiality of the personal data are described in the rules of employment of the Company.
(2) Training courses regarding points to note on handling the personal data are provided to the employees on a regular basis.
5) Physical Security Control Measures
(1) In the office areas where personal data is handled, the entry and exit of or bringing equipment by employees are restricted, and measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data has been taken.
(2) Measures to prevent Leakage etc. of equipment, electronic media and documents, and to prevent personal data from being easily revealed when carrying such equipment, electronic media, etc. including removal within the office has been taken.
6) Technical Security Control Measures
(1) Access control is implemented to limit the scope of the employees in charge and the Personal Information database handled.
(2) A mechanism has been introduced to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access or software from the outside.
7) Grasp of the External Environment
The Company has taken security control measures for personal data after collecting and grasping the information on the Personal Information protection system of the foreign country described in Paragraph 6), Article 2 above.
4. The Entrustment of Personal Information
Within the scope of the purposes outlined above, the Company may provide collected Personal Information to outside contractors with whom it has entered into confidentiality agreements. Before the provision of Personal Information to the contractors, the Company will review their guideline of Personal Information and strictly examine the contractors, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision in order to the security control measures of Personal Information can be achieved. The Company shall be liable for the treatment of Personal Information by the contractors.
5. Voluntary Registration of Personal Information
The Company does not compel you to disclose Personal Information, however, if you don’t, the Service may be limited.
6. Acquisition of Personal Information from Third Parties
The Company collects the following information from employers:
(1) When employers intend to enter into a labor contract with the Customer, the Company obtains information (including, but not limited to, name, period of employment, compensation, etc.) in the employment letter or other written statement of working conditions from the employer in writing or by e-mail or other electromagnetic means, in order to confirm the fact of hiring, etc. with the employer.
(2) When an employment contract without a definite period of employment is concluded between the Customer and the employer, the Company will obtain information on your employment status after the Customer joins the company in accordance with the provisions of the law by receiving a written document, e-mail, or other electromagnetic means, or by confirming the Customer’s employment status verbally.
7.Disclosure of Personal Information
Please contact the following office for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties. Upon request, please fill out the necessary documents designated by the Company, as the Company will need to confirm your identity and the details of your request.
Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Contact : Pasona Inc., Global Business Division
Tel: 03-6734-1270
Email: globalsearch@pasona.co.jp
8.Administrator of Personal Information
Pasona Inc. Senior Managing Executive
9. Company Information
Sintaro Nakao, COO
Pasona Inc.
3-1-30 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8352, Japan
In using the job placement service provided by Pasona Inc., Global Business Division, ("Pasona"), I hereby confirm and give consent to the handling of the above personal information. In addition, in the event that Pasona, stakeholders or third parties suffer from damages arising out of or in connection with a false personal information provided by me, I will compensate for such damages.
Information on the scope of the job placement service, handling of personal information, and our inquiry desk
1. Types of Jobs We can Handle
Pasona Inc. (“We”) can handle all types of jobs both in Japan and abroad including the People’s Republic of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Singapore, the Republic of India, the Republic of China, the State of California of the United States of America, Malaysia, State of Ontario of the Canada, and Thailand. However, this excludes cases in which the contents of jobs are in violation of laws and regulations, or in which the wages, working hours, or other working conditions are significantly inappropriate compared to the normal working conditions, excludes cases in which the employers violates certain labor-related laws and regulations (Labor Standards Act, Employment Security Act, etc.) and cases in which the employers is a member of a crime syndicate and jobs that are prohibited from being introduced under Article 32-11 of the Law (port transport operations and construction operations).
2. Commission
We do not charge fees of any kind to job applicants. Instead, we charge employers the following amount as a commission when we provide job-placement services.
Commission for successful job placement:
An amount not exceeding 100 percent of the estimated annual income for an indefinite-term employment contract
An amount not exceeding 100 percent of the wages to be paid during the contract term of a definite-term employment contract
Professional consultation and advice to employers:
An amount not exceeding 100 percent of the estimated annual income
Fee for Participation in Workshops and Joint Information Sessions : Not more than 1,000,000 yen per session.
Identification of special job seekers with specific qualifications or the required research and investigation for carrying out such task:
Retaining fee: An amount not exceeding 100 percent of the estimated annual income
Research and investigation expenses: An amount not exceeding 1,000,000 yen per day
3. Handling of Personal Information of Job Seekers and Employers’ Information
We properly manage information in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant regulations, with the employment placement managers designated as handlers of Personal Information and employers’ Personal Information. When a jobseeker requests disclosure of his/her own information, information handlers will immediately disclose information on his/her qualifications, vocational experience and other information that is based on objective facts. If there is a request for correction of the information that was disclosed, we will immediately correct it after confirming the consistency of the request with objective facts. Further, the employment placement managers always make efforts to communicate our policy on the disclosure and correction of Personal Information to job seekers.
4. Handling of Complaints
The employment placement managers are responsible for handling complaints. When there are complaints, we will take the following steps:
(1) Clearly define, even before complaints occur, where to ask for advice on the settlement of complaints from job seekers or employers and how to handle them. Properly and swiftly handle complaints by recording the date of receiving complaints, details of complaints and the complaint settlement process.
(2) Make utmost efforts to understand the concrete details of complaints and problems, and properly and swiftly handle complaints in cooperation with employers and other relevant parties.
(3) Properly and swiftly handle complaints that include illegal or unjust elements and other complaints that require professional consultation or support, in cooperation with relevant administrative agencies.
(4) Inform job seekers and employers of the names, addresses and phone numbers of the Employment Security Office and other organizations where they can file complaints about job placement and other activities and get professional support.
(5) Take proper and swift measures when notified of complaints by the Employment Security Office or other organizations that can provide professional support.
(6) Make utmost efforts to acquire the knowledge and information necessary for complaint handling, such as relevant regulations and past examples.
(7) After handling complaints, we summarize how they were handled and what was the problem, in order to make use of the experience in the future.
5. Refund System
In the event that the employment contract of a job seeker introduced and hired by our company ("Job Seeker") is terminated after a short period of time (only if the Job Seeker resigns for personal reasons), we will, in principle, refund a portion of the paid commission paid by employers in the following proportions.
If the employment contract is terminated within 3 months of employment: 50% of the paid commission will be refunded.
However, no refund of commission will be made in the case of employment through introduction by means of dispatch placement, or in the case of employment through introduction of a temporary worker who has accepted a job offer from a client and worked at the client.
If you have any inquiries about our services, please contact our staff.
Pasona Inc.
Contact : Pasona Inc., Global Business Division
Tel: 03-6734-1270
Email: globalsearch@pasona.co.jp